The Daily Dose by The Queen Mum

Friday, June 09, 2006


Oh, so I'm a little late in posting my 'daily' dose. Good thing I'm the Queen!

My queendom has been turned upside down lately with our summer schedule. It's not easy going from our previous, more carefree, life of
"hey kids, let's get in the van and go find something to do",
to this new life of
"if you don't put on your sandals...
"no, not flip-flops I said SANDALS...
"and get in the van now I'm going to...
"no I told your brother HE could carry the back pack...
"stop whining and crying the whole NEIGHBORHOOD can hear you..."
(Son steps in) "Mom, the whole neighborhood can hear YOU too".
Point taken.

Yes friends, the Queen has had to step down from her throne and become Taxi-Mom. Hustle to camp, back to put baby to nap..oh my...did I fall asleep? Crap, no laundry done again. Back to get kids from camp. "Mom PLEASE can we say and swim?!"
Stop by Wal-mart to buy underwear since no laundry is done.
Back home to nap. Oh dear...I fell asleep again? No laundry, no dishes and no meat out to thaw for dinner. Guess it's PB&J again kids.

When did I become THAT mom? The one I used to look down my nose upon, when I was a young, childless (clueless) twenty-something, as she tried to corral her wild kids into her (oh horror) mini-van, all the while leaving a trail of crap falling out of her hideously large diaper bag hanging off one shoulder and baby dangling from the other arm.

Now I glare at her and think...'oh just you wait my pretty, your day soon will come and you too will be a mini-van driving lunatic'...and when it happens, you won't trade it for the world. Just like me.


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